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Aantal resultaten: 139

Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals

The database "Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals" is published by the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library at Columbia University. It offers a comprehensive listing of journal articles on architecture and design, including bibliographic descriptions on subjects such as the history and practice of architecture, landscape architecture, city planning, …

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level: algemeen
tags: database   FEA   FEA - architecture  

GDPR: Pseudonymisation of personal data

There are various methods and techniques to protect (sensitive) personal data against unwanted access, pseudonymization is one of them.

Pseudonymisation is different from anonymisation. Pseudonymisation (referred to as 'coding' in the previous Privacy Legislation) of personal data means that the personal data will be processed in such a way that …

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level: algemeen
tags: AVG   ethiek   integriteit   research data management  

Referring: how to do it correctly

When you mention (the ideas in) previously published work, you are referring to said work. You can do this by paraphrasing the ideas or findings in other papers, or you can cite them. Correctly referencing your sources is essential in academic writing (bachelor paper, master thesis, PhD dissertation). There are …

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level: algemeen
tags: refer  

Zoeken naar bronnen : Architectuurontwerp I (Bachelor 1)

Wat zoek je?

  • Projectbeschrijvingen
  • Plannen
  • Snedes
  • Foto's
Hoe vind je ze?

Er zijn een aantal go-to tijdschriften waarin je heel snel de verschillende bronnen van projecten kan terugvinden, de belangrijkste zijn: 

Internationaal: Read more

level: algemeen
tags: bibliotheek   FEA   FEA - architecture   kwalitatief onderzoek   onderzoeksvraag  

NBER - National Bureau of Economic Research

The National Bureau of Economic Research's (NBER) research activities are mostly identified by 20 research programs on different subjects and 14 working groups.

The research programs are:

  • Aging
  • Asset pricing
  • Children
  • Corporate Finance
  • Development of the American Economy
  • Economics of Education
  • Economic Fluctuation and Growth
  • Energy and the Environment …
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level: algemeen
tags: database   FEB  

GDPR: What are the different roles and responsibilities according to the GDPR?

Various roles are defined within the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for the processing of personal data. The most important roles are: 

  • Data controller
  • Joint data controller 
  • Data processor

Since controllers and processors have different responsibilities and obligations, it is important that you clearly define these roles (together with …

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level: algemeen
tags: GDPR   research data management  

Research assessment: tips for researchers who want to use quantitative indicators in their CV, project application, etc.

There are many quantitative indicators, and new ones are still being developed. Examples of quantitative indicators include: the number of (scholarly) publications, number of citations, citation impact (normalized), number of downloaded (open access) papers, number of users of deposited datasets, number of mentions of a study/publication on social media and/or …

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level: algemeen
tags: evaluate   quality assessment  

Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemistry

Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry is a reference work related to industrial chemistry. As of 2016 it is in its 7th edition. This reference work provides the most current and trustworthy knowledge in everything that relates to the chemical industry, including processes, chemicals, products, analytical chemistry, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and …

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level: algemeen
tags: database   FEA - engineering  

Clinical trial: how do I evaluate the quality?

There are various free, internationally accredited and used tools (i.e. scales and checklists) for evaluating the quality of clinical studies. More information is available on the webpages of the Knowledge Centre for Health Ghent (Question: How do I evaluate the quality of a clinical study?). 

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level: algemeen
tags: FFW   FGE   quality assessment   systematic review  

Paraphrase: how to

You paraphrase when you explain another author’s idea(s) in your own words, often with added context. Here's how to do it:

  • Extract the gist. For example, one of the main arguments in Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own (1929) is: women have the right to education.
  • When you …
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level: algemeen
tags: academic writing   copyright   refer  

DMP: How do I write a final Data Management Plan?

What is a DMP?

A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a formal document that specifies how research data will be handled both during and after a research project.

For more information on using https://dmponline.be for writing a DMP, check this related research tip: https://onderzoektips.ugent.be/en/tips/00001281/.

Do I need a (final) … Read more

level: algemeen
tags: FWO   Horizon Europe   research data management  

Critical reading: how to read a scientific article

A scientific article might be short, but it is usually dense in information, which can make it harder to read. Below, you can find some tips.


General guidelines
  • Take notes while you read to make sure you understand what you're reading.
  • Don't know a word? Look it up and …
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level: algemeen
tags: artikel   evalueren  

IBA: International Bibliography of Art (ProQuest)

IBA (International Bibliography of Art) is een bibliografische databank die referenties bevat van artikels, naslagwerken, dissertaties, conferentieverslagen en boeken rond kunst en kunstgeschiedenis. Het is de opvolger van de BHA (Bibliography of the History of Art - Getty).

Volgende onderwerpen komen aan bod:

  • Europese kunst vanaf de late oudheid
  • Amerikaanse …
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level: algemeen
tags: databank   FLW  

Scopus versus Web of Science - de verschillen

In de markt voor multidisciplinaire citatiedatabanken zijn Web of Science (kortweg 'WoS'; van uitgever Elsevier) en Scopus (van uitgever Clarivate Analytics) de twee grote spelers.

Web of Science bestaat al lang (sinds 1961) en heeft een gevestigde reputatie. Scopus is jonger (2004) maar is intussen ook wereldwijd bekend als 'de …

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level: algemeen
tags: artikel   databank  

GDPR: what should I keep in mind when I want to process personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences?


Personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences or related security measures (e.g. a driving prohibition and/or fine imposed by the judge due to speeding or alcohol intoxication, a sentence of imprisonment for theft with violence) may only be processed:

  • under government supervision; of
  • when the processing …
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level: algemeen
tags: AVG   GDPR  

GDPR: What do I need to think about when transferring personal data to third countries or international organisations?

If you collaborate with researchers, partners or institutions located in another country, within or outside the EU, in your research, you must pay attention when making personal data accessible, forwarding or exchanging. This also applies when you use processors or subcontractors, for example when you are using websurveys hosted by …

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level: algemeen
tags: GDPR   research data management  

GDPR: what is the General Data Protection Regulation?

When you process personal data for your research, you must follow the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The GDPR: new European privacy legislation

The GDPR, which has been in force since 25 May 2018, modernises the existing privacy legislation. It creates a uniform European legislative framework …

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level: algemeen
tags: GDPR   research data management  

Oxford Reference Online. Premium Collection

De Oxford Reference Online. Premium Collection databank bevat 2 miljoen lemma's uit naslagwerken zoals de Oxford University Press’s Dictionaries, Companions en Encyclopedias uit 25 verschillende onderwerpsgebieden. Je kan er tijdslijnen in terugvinden, citaten, een Engels beeldwoordenboek en vertalende woordenboeken zoals Iers-Engels en Welsh-Engels.

Je kan in het zoekvenster (een) zoekterm(en) …

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level: algemeen
tags: databank   FLW  

Authorship: authorship roles (contribution disclosure – author(ship) contribution statements)


Recognition for a person's effective contribution to a scholarly publication is done primarily through the inclusion, or not, of the names of (individual) contributors on a (more or less) limited list of names associated with that publication.

The place on this list determines in most cases the "importance" of …

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level: algemeen
tags: academic writing   academisch schrijven   article   artikel   ethics   ethiek   integriteit   integrity   journal   tijdschrift  

Reference style: what is it?

A reference style defines the rules you have to follow to refer to sources. There are many different reference styles, often linked to a certain field. Also certain scientific journals have their own reference style. Some examples of reference styles are: MLA, APA, Vancouver, IEEE, OSCOLA,...


References have to …

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level: algemeen
tags: academic writing   refer  

FINPRO: what do I need to do for the financial side of my project?

Both before and after the start of a research project you must take care of the financial administration and management of your project. Ghent University has you covered by making available the FOCUS management system and a central and decentralised network of colleagues with the necessary knowhow about rules and …

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level: algemeen
tags: grant  

Searching scientific literature: an example from psychology by prof. dr. Brosschot

Almost every scientific study starts with an extensive literature search. You look for the articles written on your subject of interest and you'll gradually discover unanswered questions or new lines of thoughts worth exploring.

When you start writing your own article, you'll usually include a literature review summarising the …

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level: algemeen
tags: article   database   FPP   search engines   search strategy   systematic review  

Assess the quality of a scholarly journal

Researchers can choose from tens of thousands of scholarly journals to disseminate their research results. It's not always easy to find out which ones are reliable.

General guidelines
  • Think. Check. Submit is a checklist to help you identify trustworthy journals and publishers.
  • Have (many of) your trusted peers published in …
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level: algemeen
tags: Biblio   evaluate   journal   open access   open science   quality assessment  

GDPR: What should I take into account when developing or using AI?

When you develop artificial intelligence based on personal data or process personal data using artificial intelligence in your research, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies. AI applications must therefore ensure privacy and data protection principles throughout their lifecycle, including the principles of 'privacy by design' and 'privacy by default'. …

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level: algemeen
tags: AVG   GDPR   research data management  

Data analysis resources

Are you looking for some resources to improve your data science skills, or information on software like R and RStudio? We'll give you a few options below.

Data analysis examples by UCLA

The webpage data analysis examples by UCLA lists a number of statistical analysis techniques and their application …

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level: algemeen
tags: FPP  

BHA: Bibliography of the History of Art (Getty)

The BHA (Bibliography of the History of Art) is a bibliographical database that contains publications about European and American visual art, published between 1975 and 2007.


This database is freely accessible.

Search Operators
  • You can use the Boolean operators AND OR NOT.
  • In the Advanced search mode you can …
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level: algemeen
tags: database   FLW  

GDPR: What do I need to think about when using a mailing list in the context of my research?

As a researcher, you sometimes make use of mailing lists for your research (e.g. sending invitations to participate in a survey/interview) or for your research activities (e.g. sending invitation to an event/conference).

Mailing lists consist of a (large) list of postal addresses or e-mail addresses (even purely professional e-mail addresses) …

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level: algemeen
tags: GDPR   research data management  

Orientation year for international researchers with an expiring hosting agreement

International researchers with a hosting agreement can apply for a search year. Like students, this entitles them to stay for 12 months to 'search' for a suitable job in Belgium.

When can you apply for a orientation year?

During your stay in Belgium

After the completion of the host agreement …

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level: algemeen
tags: grant   subsidie  

GDPR: What should I consider when using social media data for scientific research?


Social media contain an ever-increasing source of information and data. More and more (sensitive) (personal) data is published on social media profiles by the users themselves. But to what extent may this data then be used to base research on, for instance? Consideration must in any case be given …

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level: algemeen
tags: AVG   GDPR   research data management  

GDPR: what are some things to consider when processing personal data from minors?

When processing personal data of minors (children under the age of 18), they are entitled to specific protection, as they are often less aware of their rights and the potential risks and/or consequences associated with the processing of their data.


Like adults, minors should be informed about what personal …

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level: algemeen
tags: ethics   GDPR   research data management